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#1, Rajiv Gandi Street, Chennai-107
#1, Rajiv Gandi Street, Chennai-107


We provide automated surface treatment plants for various industries. Our prime delivery type continues to be a true turnkey delivery. It includes the whole process

Surface Treatment Plants

Surface treatment  systems typically comprise one or more tank lines. They may include individual racks or drum lines, or a combination of both which can…


Maintenance and modernization services for chemical surface treatment lines to ensure the correct and trouble-free operation. Modernization and modification services help to scale up production…

Plant Automation

We offer a complete range of modernization services, including changes to mechanical, electrical and/or automation systems, as well as changes to the process itself. We…

Strategy Building

Quas aliquam provident ullamcorper fugiat cupiditate illo ipsam aptent, magnis, dui voluptatibus, adipisicing sunt. Quo, optio aperiam non illum eligendi asperiores id laboris eligendi lorem…

Welcome to Riyang Engineering

RIYANG ENGINEERING PRIVATE LIMITED started with a vision of creating and establishing trust in the industry with astounding work in turnkey surface treatment systems. We supplies automated surface treatment plants to the most demanding industries and environments in the world.

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